Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life has been hectic lately and now that summer has arrived it is really starting to pick up speed. We've been busy getting things ready for the baby. Our latest accomplishments in that area being creating a baby registry, sorting through a billion 15 or so boxes of baby clothes from my sister-in-law, which are finally put away! You honestly could not walk in his room, evidence listed below. Dustin also refinished a cedar chest that will be used as the baby's toy box. The room is almost complete and this kid seriously has the coolest room in the house. He's so spoiled already!

Taken on my phone so poor picture quality
We've spent quite a bit of time with family. Dustin's aunt, uncle & cousin from Alaska were in town for a few days. It was great getting seeing them and getting to know them. We had a few memorable events with my family which I will post about. Promise. Church seminars, special singers, guest speakers and finishing up the summer quarter in Sunday school has rounded our schedule out. It's been insane but I feel so very blessed. A busy life is a blessed life, right? :)

The next few weeks will also be busy but fun as we get things in place for Sunday school. This month we start our combined Summer session, which combines all the kids together for children's church. This year our theme is all about the doctrine and I am super excited about it! It's so important to me that the kids grasp what the Bible teaches and being that this is my last quarter as Sunday school director I want to make sure it really counts.

Then at the end of this month our Vacation Bible School starts. I can't wait for the amusement park theme, I know it's going to be a blast and the kids will love it!

Besides that we have church camp, other church events and all the other baby stuff still to do. As crazy as these next few months will be I'm excited that we'll be kept busy until September. We're getting more and more anxious for the baby to arrive. It's hard to believe we only have 14 weeks left to go!

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