Thursday, June 27, 2013

Entering the Final Stretch - Hello Third Tri!

Elephants are pregnant for 22 months! That sure puts things in perspective!
In just eleven weeks, maybe sooner, maybe later, we will be meeting our baby. It's hard to believe we are through the second trimester and officially in the third. Though this pregnancy is dragging in many more ways than it is flying by. I'm ready to meet him, I'm ready to start our new life, I'm ready to have our family together and on a vain note, I'm ready to have my body back. :) But there are still quite a few more things that need to be put into place and more importantly, as my nephew now says, the baby is still cooking. As eager as I am, I want him to stay right where he is until he is "all done".

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Icing on the Cake

My niece Jaliyah loves icing and thanks to her grandfather she was able to sneak lots of it from her dad's birthday cake.

Going for the icing...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lucketts & Jeetin'

A few weekends ago Dustin and I each spent two days doing separate activities. We usually do everything together and so it was a little bittersweet but it's good for us I know!

Dustin and a group of guys went jeetin', which is basically jeeping but my nephew's version of the word makes it sound cooler. They went to Rausch Creek which consists of mud holes, trails, rocks and mountains. They camped out, some of them had their first MRE's (prepackaged army food which stands for meals ready to eat), and they had a blast taking their jeeps through all kinds of mud holes and over large rocks. Definitely a fun guy's weekend away but this girl is hoping to go along next time. :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mom's Surprise Birthday Party - Part 2

Click here to read Part One

We took a ton of family pictures especially of Malachi, Courtney, Jaelynn & Jaliyah. Check out the family photo album. :)
Mom and her kids

Mom's Surprise Birthday Party - Part 1

For the first time in the history of my mom being, well my mom, my family was able to surprise her. She almost always picks up on surprises and has an idea when something is going on. But this year we were able to pull off a surprise birthday party for her. The plan was they would be in town to drop my brothers off at a church event but I called and asked my mom if she could please stop by and see the baby's room as I was really anxious for her to see it. They would stop by and then we would go out for dinner. But the reality was she was coming over for a birthday celebration. The best surprise of all though was that my brother, Malachi and his family would be there. They were moving out of state and it would be the last time for quite awhile that we would all be together.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life has been hectic lately and now that summer has arrived it is really starting to pick up speed. We've been busy getting things ready for the baby. Our latest accomplishments in that area being creating a baby registry, sorting through a billion 15 or so boxes of baby clothes from my sister-in-law, which are finally put away! You honestly could not walk in his room, evidence listed below. Dustin also refinished a cedar chest that will be used as the baby's toy box. The room is almost complete and this kid seriously has the coolest room in the house. He's so spoiled already!

Taken on my phone so poor picture quality


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