Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Photographing Everett & Reid

If you haven’t noticed my favorite pictures are pictures of the boys together. I love watching their interactions and I do the best I can to snap photos of those interactions. I love knowing that when they are older they will have so many pictures of them together and that Dustin and I will have so many to look back on. But as far as posed pictures go it is pretty difficult to get a great shot for a few reasons.

1. It’s hard to get both boys to look.

Reid & Everett

2. It’s hard for both or one of the boys to keep still.

Reid & Everett

3. One of them, usually Reid, gets a little overwhelmed with the sweetness of them being together.

Everett & Reid

And 4. Again, one of them doesn’t usually want to keep still.

Everett & Reid

And by the way, this is one of my favorite pictures because it so accurately sums up what it is like trying to get a picture. I don’t call Everett my busy, on the go boy for nothing and since he usually won’t keep still most posed shots he is either holding something or I place his arm around Reid to distract him. But I also love this picture because the expression on Reid’s face makes me laugh every time.

Getting a great (and by great I mean both boys sitting still, looking at the camera and smiling) posed shot definitely doesn’t always work but when it does I may or may not pat myself on the back and congratulate myself on the success. It takes about a hundred takes, distractions, acting silly and lots of patience. So when I am running low patience or have to reserve it for more serious situations or the boys are being particularly sweet with each other I grab the camera and snap away. And the other day that just so happened to occur. The being sweet with each other I mean.

Everett & Reid
Reid adores his big brother and is often reaching out to grab him.

Everett & Reid 
Sometimes Everett likes it but other times he is either not so sure or just plain annoyed.

Everett & Reid
But if he is annoyed his baby brother can usually get him to come around.

Everett & Reid

And a brotherly love fest will some times take place.

Everett & Reid

Hugging and all.

Everett & Reid

And those photos, which often turn out to be the candid ones, are the cherry on top of the brother picture sundae.

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